Monday, May 21, 2012

REVIEW: SCP-087 or, The Stairwell

Hey, there my little saplings!

Time for my first Creepypasta review! I’m going to start with one of my personal favorites, SCP-087, also known as The Stairwell. I should start by explaining the concept behind this, so here’s the story: On an unknown college campus, there is a large metal door disguised as a janitor’s closet. SCP-087 (the anomaly’s name) is an unlit staircase that travels downwards into the darkness below. Any and all lights only shine nine steps down. Reports have shown that the sound of a child crying for help originate from around 200 meters down, but no matter how far down you go, the noise never gets any closer. Suddenly, all the test subjects reported in the story have seen a face with no pupils – in fact, it has nothing below the mouth! This happens at random moments during each test. Now, this one really struck home with me because I myself am afraid of stairs and the dark. Yes, I know that sounds silly to you, but get me up/down more than a flight or two and I’m fuckin’ frozen. You can find the whole story here: This story then gives links to the three experiments conducted on the Stairwell, with a fourth [DATA EXPUNGED] test.

I have to say that this isn’t one to read at night, especially when you look at the included pictures. It’s enough to send shivers down my spine – I love it! A good story is one that can scare you without being gory and shocking, and this story hits it in the heart. I could swear I heard crying in the middle of the night coming from my stairs. The cold, professional way in which the entries are written only serves to make the stories scarier because that means that whatever’s down there isn’t enough to phase the SCP Foundation control.

I may be biased here, but that’s what the reviews are for. I’m going to break down my rating system as follows: 5 points for each category – shock factor, atmosphere, word choice, scare factor, and overall effects on my mind (I’m suffering for you guys!)

SHOCK FACTOR: 3 out of 5
ATMOSPHERE: 5 out of 5
WORD CHOICE: 4.5 out of 5
SCARE FACTOR: 4 out of 5
MY MIND: 5 out of 5
TOTAL: 21.5 out of 25

Now let’s check the HollowTree patented Scare-Scale. It’s not actually patented, but don’t take my idea anyways. ;)

A score of 21.5 gives us the category of: PSYCHOLOGICALLY SCARRING! If you’re already afraid of the things present in this story (like I am), this will make you afraid of the dark again.

Cheers and happy Creepypasta hunting, my little saplings!
~ HollowTree

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